Tuesday, October 5, 2021


How to check ESX host version and build number with PowerCLI


How to check ESX host version and build number with PowerCLI

Are you planning an ESXi upgrade? or in the middle of a cluster ESXi upgrade and couldn’t track which ones you upgraded and which ones you didn’t? (which is what happened to me ðŸ˜‰ )

So I made a script that would output the build number and version number of ESXi hosts in a cluster

The One-liner

If you’re in a pinch and you just need to check the status of hosts with minimal effort, you can use this one-liner

Get-Cluster "<cluster_name>" | Get-VMHost | Select @{Label = "Host"; Expression = {$_.Name}} , @{Label = "ESX Version"; Expression = {$_.version}}, @{Label = "ESX Build" ; Expression = {$_.build}}

Note: To get Host Model Number and CPU processor information, you can append the following parameter:

@{Label = "Model Number"; Expression = {$_.model}} , @{Label = "CPU"; Expression = {$_.processortype}}

Keep in mind that you need to be logged in to the vCenter with PowerCLI before executing this (obviously). This will ouput something like this:

The mechanism behind this is quite simple. Get-VMHost cmdlet contains parameters called “build” and “version” built in to it. What we are simply doing is outputting the values of those specific parameters.

Script to Output to a CSV

Need something fancier to share with your team or your superiors? Let’s see how we can expand from the one-liner to a proper script that is expandable and versatile that can output to a csv.

$vcenter = "<vcenter_name>"

$cluster_name = "<cluster_name>"

Connect-VIServer $vcenter 

Get-Cluster $cluster_name | Get-VMHost | Select @{Label = "Host"; Expression = {$_.Name}} , @{Label = "ESX Version"; Expression = {$_.version}}, @{Label = "ESX Build" ; Expression = {$_.build}} | Export-csv "cluster_host_build_info.csv"

Disconnect-VIServer -Confirm:$false

What’s different with the one-liner is the pipe to “Export-csv” which will create the CSV file. Please note that this CSV file will be created on the folder where the script is located.

We have also parameterized the vCenter name and Cluster name for better versatility. Pretty neat huh? What – you want more? Let’s see how we can expand this further to match a build level that you want.

Script to check whether a host is in the build level you want

I hear you… You’re in the middle of upgrading an ESX cluster and you want to check which hosts are left to upgrade – while you can judge for yourself from the above script, here’s a small addition to our script above that makes our lives muuuuch easier

$vcenter = "<vCenter_name>"

$cluster_name = "<cluster_name>"
$expected_build = <expected_build_number>

Connect-VIServer $vcenter 

Get-Cluster $cluster_name | Get-VMHost | Select @{Label = "Host"; Expression = {$_.Name}} , @{Label = "ESX Version"; Expression = {$_.version}}, @{Label = "ESX Build" ; Expression = {$_.build}} , @{Label = "Build Match" ; Expression = {if($_.build -eq $expected_build){"Yes"} else{"No"}}} | Export-csv "cluster_host_build_info.csv"

Disconnect-VIServer -Confirm:$false

The only difference is this line

@{Label = "Build Match" ; Expression = {if($_.build -eq $expected_build){"Yes"} else{"No"}}

Where we check with an IF condition whether the ESX host’s build matches our expected build version that we defined in $expected_build variable above. It will return a “Yes” or a “No”.

In the example below $expected_build = 15169789 and the output will be similar to the screenshot

And that is it! Hope this was as useful to you as it was for me!

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